How to get over the jet lag

13 August 2014 ·

Jet lag

It's time to go on holiday and the jet lag is most likely to ruin our precious vacation days. From a Japanese research it comes the receip to defeat the time change. According to the University of Yamaguchi, in fact, the jet lag is influenced by what we eat.

By choosing foods that increase insulin levels,the passenger will get used easilly to the new time. For example, eating a plate of pasta could help our body to get used to the the new timezone.

Starting this type of diet two days before departure, and continuing it with small snacks during the trip and finishing it three days after the arrival, you can enhance the production of insulin.

To get over the jet lag we should have meals that combine carbohydrates with proteins like pasta with tomato sauce, accompanied by a chicken breast; salmon with potatoes; a slice of toasted bread with tuna. 

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